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Columnist Johan van Haersolte

Bio "And you may ask yourself, well How did I get here? Letting the days go by" (Talking Heads 1980)

109 Min. 7,2 of 10 Stars. genre Drama. Writed by Hlynur Palmason. info Hvítur, hvítur dagur is a movie starring Ingvar Sigurdsson, Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir, and Hilmir Snær Guðnason. In a remote Icelandic town, an off duty police chief begins to suspect a local man for having had an affair with his wife. Hlynur Palmason. Hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur watch free 1. Hvítur hvítur dagur watch free 2017. Watch full movies, online movies, full movies HD, full movies bd, full movie streaming, TV series, download full movies.

Hvítur, hvítur dagur Watch. Interesting editing and use of Leonard Cohen's song "Memories." The reference to Schumann's wife and Brahms is appropriate and interesting. Hvítur hvítur dagur watch free trial. Hv c3 adtur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur watch free new. I feel cold looking/hearing this 😂. Vel orðað. Hvítur hvítur dagur watch free english. Old Cop slowly goes crazy after learning about his deceased wife's past. Southern style drama of revenge and jealousy set in the high North. Great performances, great art direction, interesting visualizations. Recommended.

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As someone who never actually watched The Addams Family, I'm quite excited for this! I was too young at the time, don't come at me. 😂.

Hvítur hvítur dagur watch free full. Thanks for trying icabod gurl that tree just YEETED your brother to China and you say thanks for trying. 5 respect. Hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur watch free for sale. I just noticed that Wednesday's braids are actually nooses. xD. Hvítur hvítur dagur watch free stream. Hvítur hvítur dagur watch free movie. Wednesday lookin a bit THINN 😩😩💦💦. Hvítur hvítur dagur watch free streaming. Hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur watch free parts. I wish it was live action though. Also, I love the IT reference! Especially because Finn Wolfhard was in IT and this too haha. Tráilers y Vídeos Reparto Críticas de usuarios Críticas de Medios Crítica de SensaCine Fotos Usuarios 3, 0 1 nota incluyendo 1 crítica puntuar: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 ¡Quiero verla! Escribir mi crítica Sinopsis A White, White Day, del director Hlynur Pálmason, es una historia que aborda la venganza y como consume a sus protagonistas y el amor incondicional. Ingimundur (Ingvar Eggert) es un jefe de policía retirado en una ciudad islandesa. Tras el fallecimiento de su esposa en un accidente de tráfico hace dos años, Ingimundur, comienza a sospechar de que esta le era infiel con un residente de la ciudad. La obsesión por descubrir la verdad conducira al protagonista en una esperial de autodestrucción la cual empezará a afectar también a las personas que le rodean. Distribuidora - Ver especificaciones técnicas Actores y actrices Reparto y Equipo técnico Crítica de usuario Una muestra mas de la buena salud de la que disfruta el cine islandés. "A white, white day" es la segunda película de Hlynur Palmason, tras su debut con la multipremiada "Winter Brothers" Le bastan 20 segundos al director islandés para meterte de lleno en la película: tras los títulos de crédito iniciales, una intrigante frase sobre el inmenso negro de la pantalla nos anuncia el viaje que estamos dispuestos a recorrer: “Cuando todo es tan... Leer más 1 Crítica de usuario Ver todas las fotos Secretos de rodaje Significado del título El título de la película hace referencia a un proverbio islandés que sugiere que en días tan "blancos" en los que la tierra se encuentra con el cielo, los muertos pueden comunicarse con los que aún viven. Otras apariciones del actor principal Ingvar Egger, que interpreta al protagonista, ha aparecido en "Everest" de Baltasar Kormakur y en la serie "Atrapados", así como recientemente en "Animales fantásticos: Los crímenes de Grindelwald". Noticias Si te gusta esta película, te recomendamos: Ver más películas recomendadas Comentarios.

Ingumundur lives alone on a desolate farm. He is trying to rebuild his house and is looking after his granddaughter from time to time. He is quiet on the surface, but underneath he is grieving for his recently deceased wife. When a disturbing detail about his wife's past suddenly comes to the surface it threatens to destroy the fragile peace he has created, and affects everyone he loves.
When the movie starts with good few minutes of a car driving down a misty road you know you are in for a long ride. The harsh landscape of the setting is almost a character in the film. It gives the movie almost a magnetic quality. But there's a sense of imminent tragedy lurking underneath it all.
WHITE WHITE DAY tells a seemingly simple story, but is secretive at times, letting the viewers decide for themselves what motivates the characters. And it is often what happens off screen that has the real impact.
The cinematography however goes a bit overboard with still static shots of everchanging nature, as beautiful as they are they quickly turn irritating.
There are wonderful performances from all involved, specifically a tour de force from the lead Ingvar Siggurdson, as he slowly goes to pieces, his anger, pain and frustration tearing him apart on the inside, as he is just sitting there quietly like a bomb ready to go off.
WHITE WHITE DAY has a story to tell and has some interesting characters to match. It is, however first, and foremost an Arthouse film that tries to experiment with cinematography, light and pacing. It also relies on the viewer's attention, but it is a long, slightly depressing movie and not everyone will last the distance. But if you do it is rather rewarding.
Some movies hide the fact that they have little to say beyond the artistic impressions. WHITE WHITE DAY is not such a film.

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